Star Trek: Customizable Card Game Rule Variant Multi-Player #1 OBJECTIVE As per the rules. PHASE ONE - Customizing a 60-card Deck As per the rules. PHASE TWO - Creating & Seeding the Spaceline Lay out the cards in a star shaped pattern with one spoke for each player participating in the game. \ / \ 1 / \ / \ / \ / 4 \/ 2 /\ / \ / \ / \ / 3 \ / \ PHASE THREE - Playing the Game Player 1 shares part of a spaceline with players 2 and 4. Player 1 and player 3 do not interact during the game. All cards which affect an opponent only affect the players choice of one of the other two players they share the spaceline with. The remaining portions of the game play as per the rules. Culled and compiled by Ken Kindler -- WWW and FTP site for Star Trek: Customizable Card Game and the International Federation of Trekkers fan organization. _____________________________________________________________________ KEKETC@ULTB.ISC.RIT.EDU