"Slaughter House Rock" by Desolator

They let us throw a party in the slaughter house
To start off our drummer ate a dead mouse
The band was armed with axes which started to swing
Fans were dyin' and we started to sing
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock!
Everybody's dying 'round the clock!
Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!

Our singer was equipped with a bastard sword
And cleaved someone and severed his spinal cord
We are ex-cons but they haven't got a clue
We sacrificed someone on the barbecue
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock!
Everybody's dying 'round the clock!
Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!

Our guitarist just beheaded another fan
And kicked one in the ***** in style of Jackie Chan
We then sentenced some more people to be hanged
We released some vipers and some fans got fanged
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock!
Everybody's dying 'round the clock!
Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!

The fans were still screaming and asking for more
So we cut the front row fans with a chainsaw
The owner said, "Hey, dudes, I love this fresh meat"
We said "You're welcome" and cut off his feet
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock!
Everybody's dying 'round the clock!
Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!

One fan said to another, "For Heaven's sake,"
"Let's go before they turn us into their steak!"
His friend agreed and said, "I guess that's no lie"
"Let's get out of here or we're gonna die!"
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock!
Everybody's dying 'round the clock!
Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!

Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!
Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!
Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!
Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!
Welcome to the Slaughter House Rock!

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